about adiWidget™

adiWidget™ is the pioneer for the static corner image widget for blogger. Developed since September 2007, the idea is now has been used by many other web developer. Instead of static png image, you can now add flash and gif image format in every corner of your blog. But the position of the image is still remain static at the corner of your page. It can be used to give the mood of your web with any image that you want. All of the items here are FREE! So, enjoy then... It is advised that you use the latest browser i.e IE7 and Firefox. adiWidget™ is not compatible with IE6 or below. Please READ the TUTORIAL if you want to know how to apply adiWidget™ in your site. If you have any questions, want to contribute images for adiWidget™ or anything personally, you are welcome to e-mail me at adiwira[at]gmail.com. Otherwise, please use my shout box.

Subhanallah, Maha Suci Allah

Dari Abu Darda RA meriwayatkan bahawa Rasulullah SAW bersabda, katakanlah
sesungguhnya ia adalah BAQIYAYATUSSALIHAT,
kalimat ini menghapus dosa-dosa sebagaimana daun-daun akan berguguran daripada pohonnya di musim dingin dan kalimat ini juga
sebagai khazanah di dalam syurga.

Copy this CODE: [if you want to put in BOTTOM LEFT POSITION]

and paste in in your HTML file before < /body> tag
Copy this CODE: [if you want to put in BOTTOM RIGHT POSITION]

and paste in in your HTML file before < /body> tag
Copy this CODE: [if you want to put in your SIDEBAR]

and paste in in your HTML/Javascript, Page Elements.

Copy this CODE: [if you want to put in BOTTOM LEFT POSITION]

and paste in in your HTML file before < /body> tag
Copy this CODE: [if you want to put in BOTTOM RIGHT POSITION]

and paste in in your HTML file before < /body> tag
Copy this CODE: [if you want to put in your SIDEBAR]

and paste in in your HTML/Javascript, Page Elements.

Copy this CODE: [if you want to put in BOTTOM LEFT POSITION]

and paste in in your HTML file before < /body> tag
Copy this CODE: [if you want to put in BOTTOM RIGHT POSITION]

and paste in in your HTML file before < /body> tag
Copy this CODE: [if you want to put in your SIDEBAR]

and paste in in your HTML/Javascript, Page Elements.

Copy this CODE: [if you want to put in BOTTOM LEFT POSITION]

and paste in in your HTML file before < /body> tag
Copy this CODE: [if you want to put in BOTTOM RIGHT POSITION]

and paste in in your HTML file before < /body> tag
Copy this CODE: [if you want to put in your SIDEBAR]

and paste in in your HTML/Javascript, Page Elements.

Copy this CODE: [if you want to put in BOTTOM LEFT POSITION]

and paste in in your HTML file before < /body> tag
Copy this CODE: [if you want to put in BOTTOM RIGHT POSITION]

and paste in in your HTML file before < /body> tag
Copy this CODE: [if you want to put in your SIDEBAR]

and paste in in your HTML/Javascript, Page Elements.

Kalau anda menggunakan widget ni, jangan lupa tinggalkan komen ok? Thankiu...
Sila BACA TUTORIAL ni kalau nak tahu cara untuk diletakkan di blog anda. Enjoy... ;-)

Nota: Sekiranya image2 di atas adalah milik sesiapa, harap dapat email adiwira[at]gmail.com untuk adi berikan credit. Maaf, adi hanya memperolehi image di atas dari google dan tidak dapat memperoleh sumber asal dan pemilik sebenar image tersebut...


Rachmad on 13 Sept 2011, 03:17:00 said...


Nita on 22 Sept 2011, 13:52:00 said...


mastura on 26 Sept 2011, 20:01:00 said...

terimakasih :)

Anonymous said...

Mari selalu mendekatkan diri kepadaNya.

ryman on 15 Dec 2011, 13:02:00 said...

Subahanallah maha suci allah. . .ingat lah allah selalu saat menarik&membuang nafas. . .
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Surga Kenari on 13 Jan 2012, 15:26:00 said...

luar biasa..
widget yg menarik..
aku sudah follow blognya pak.

aku tunggu followbacknya yah.. thank you..

:: anisjazz :: on 20 Feb 2012, 10:38:00 said...

assalamualaikum, minta izin copy icon subhanAllah ni ye. trmkasih :)

Anonymous said...

saya mencoba untuk menerapkannya k blog saya.. :)

Wury on 21 Mar 2012, 21:33:00 said...

tapi sepertinya terlalu penuh kalau dipasang. Tulisannya jadi ketutup, susah dibaca
terima kasih infonya :)

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Maha suci Allah mungkin itu yang bisa katakan saat melihat seluruh tanda kekuasaan Allah yang ada di alam dan benda-benda, kenapa ...

Lurvenuqmans on 26 Jun 2012, 08:57:00 said...

mohon share widget di blog saya.
terima kasih & semoga diterima segala amalan. =)

Unknown on 1 Jul 2012, 22:05:00 said...

tkasih sebab sharing..terbaik..

MommyIZZ5 on 6 Jul 2012, 10:53:00 said...

t.kasih..akak ambil satu widget ni yer

Unknown on 14 Jul 2012, 12:21:00 said...

subhanallah...Maha suci Allah

cute nyer widget anda
lawatlah blog saya ^_^


Unknown on 20 Jul 2012, 04:20:00 said...

terima kasih...sye amik widget ni eaa....

Lokman on 1 Sept 2012, 16:03:00 said...

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Unknown on 1 Oct 2012, 15:37:00 said...

wah makasih banget iia , minta izin chopas :),
buat di blogger saya teriam kasih :)
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Unknown on 13 Oct 2012, 21:39:00 said...

wah, bgs bgt, jangan lupa main ke yangasik.com ya :)

Unknown on 29 Nov 2012, 15:47:00 said...

Bener2 kreatif. gan!
Cakep2 semua widgetnya.

Toko Bunga Cantik on 1 Dec 2012, 01:33:00 said...

Maha Besar Allah, nice posted salam dari saya bunga

Admin on 30 Dec 2012, 16:23:00 said...

Allah Maha Besar

nhj on 3 Jan 2013, 10:20:00 said...

Assalam, mohon izin tauliah utk mengamalkan zikir ini

SyamZone™ on 27 Jan 2013, 16:40:00 said...

subhanallah....blog yg menarik dan kreatif.

Anonymous said...

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Diah Sulam on 29 Mar 2013, 11:55:00 said...

thanks. saye ambil satu ye :)

Unknown on 3 Apr 2013, 15:45:00 said...

assalammualaikum..Adi..Reen minta satu ye widget nie..hihi..kalau sudi jemputla singgah blog Reen..
syukran ya!:))

Anonymous said...

salam kunjungan nih.
Pertama thanks dah berbagi posting yang menarik dan bermanfaat ini
Semoga sukses
Kedua, hadiah untuk blog ini adalah saya ikhlas untuk mengklik semua iklannya

SysOp on 3 Jul 2013, 23:54:00 said...


Tahniah atas widget yang lu sediakan... Moga Allah memberikan balasan terbaek untuk lu.... ameen...


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Unknown on 10 Sept 2013, 10:29:00 said...

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Unknown on 1 Jan 2014, 20:55:00 said...

ijin save scrif nya

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Unknown on 14 Mar 2014, 23:08:00 said...


sebelumnya saya mohon izin copas widget ini. karena sangat menarik sekali
ini adalah dakwah secara halus dan sangat bermampaat. sekiranya saudara adit kurang berkenan apabila saya copas. silahkan konfirmasi aja ke email saya ssickminded@yahoo.co.id dan saya akan menghapus postingan tersebut.
apabila saudara adi berkenan, cukup memberi izin dalam hati dan mengikhlaskan. terimakasih. wasallam.

Unknown on 14 Mar 2014, 23:10:00 said...

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Tsur Ben David
Founder and acting CEO

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