about adiWidget™
adiWidget™ is the pioneer for the static corner image widget for blogger. Developed since September 2007, the idea is now has been used by many other web developer. Instead of static png image, you can now add flash and gif image format in every corner of your blog. But the position of the image is still remain static at the corner of your page. It can be used to give the mood of your web with any image that you want. All of the items here are FREE! So, enjoy then... It is advised that you use the latest browser i.e IE7 and Firefox. adiWidget™ is not compatible with IE6 or below. Please READ the TUTORIAL if you want to know how to apply adiWidget™ in your site. If you have any questions, want to contribute images for adiWidget™ or anything personally, you are welcome to e-mail me at adiwira[at]gmail.com. Otherwise, please use my shout box.
This widget is dedicated to all the bloggers out there. I created a blank one for you to design your own widget/purpose for blogging.

The elephant cartoon is designed by Malaysia Cartoonist, Zunar. That image is copyrighted by him ;)
Malaysian Blogger United - No Fear, I copy from http://senimanjalanan.blogspot.com/2007_01_01_archive.html. Credit given to Kembara Seniman Jalanan
The rest i design myself... huhu
Keywords: Malaysian Bloggers UNited, Bloggers United, Manchester United, No Fear, I Blog for Nothing, I blog for Love, I blog for Islam, I blog for love, I blog for Peace, I blog for Fun, I blog for Justice, I blog for Everything, I blog for you, I blog for adiWidget, I blog for Money, I blog for Politic, I blog for PAS, I blog for UMNO, I blog for PKR, I blog for Myself, but I'm NOT gobblog ;)
nice one :)
bagus mas tks
boleh tahan designnya. ahakz!
macam mana nak buat tu..
tak reti laa
macam mana nak buat tak reti laa
dah guna (:
Excellent Gadget now the users would have the choice to choose their gadget nice work. you can get more feedback from this.
bro mmg gempak..tq byk2...=)
Nice information my brotha !!! it will be very nice if you want to make link excange with me, i've add you blog to my friendlist !!!
memang style>>
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